From setting up parental controls to cyberbullying, from spotting fake news to being kind on social media, online safety can be a minefield, but below are some parent guides to apps and games that your children may be playing, or wish to play which hopefully alleviate some of the worry and unknowns of allowing your children online. They provide detailed information about age restrictions, features and top tips for keeping your children safe. Click on each one to see an enlarged version.
They are ranked below by age restrictions and, although there are some which go beyond the ages of our children, it is important to understand their features and why they have been given the associated rating.
If there are any apps or games that your children play, or wish to play, and you cannot find the guide below, please contact the school and we will endeavour to find some suitable information for you.
At the bottom of this page, there are further guides relating to issues such as mental health, being kind online and social media safety tips. We hope you find them helpful.
Age restrictions 4+
Age restrictions 7+
Age restrictions 12+
Age restrictions 13+
Age restrictions 16+
Age restrictions 18+