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Church of England Academy

'Strength in difference, together we are one, together we fly high'

Courage – I rise to a challenge and I am brave.

Friendship – I encourage others and build them up.

Trust – I am honest and helpful and make the right choices.

Respect – I treat others how I would like to be treated.


Welcome to Beech - Reception and Year 1 

A very warm welcome to our new Reception children, and welcome back to Dunbury to those starting Year One!

Our topic in Reception this half term is 'Marvellous Me!'  This is closely related to our School vision for the half term, ‘Strength in Self’. The children will be learning how to build relationships with the other children in their class as well as get to know the adults in the setting. We will be talking about our families, and people and objects that are special to us. We will explore different feelings, and how we can talk about and share these with people close to us. 





We will share purposeful daily stories before home-time linked to our 'Marvellous Me!' topic, as well as enjoying a 'book of the week' in maths and literacy. We will be learning a poem each week linked to the seasons and special calendar events. Our first poem this term is 'Leaves are Falling'.

At home: Initially, your child will be bringing home picture books or books to read to your child. Enjoy finding a time of day to get into a routine of sharing a school book. Ask questions about the pictures/characters and predict what will happen next or an ending to the story.

Once we have taught some sounds in phonics, we will be sending home some books linked to support blending words containing these sounds.


We are supporting the children to learn to write their name, and form the letter shapes that we learn in phonics correctly. 

At home: Encourage opportunities for your child to write/mark-make. Support lower-case formation (other than for their initial). Praise all efforts at mark-making (drawing or writing). Practise holding a pencil with the correct 'pincer grip'. Feel free to ask Mrs Stoker if you need any help/advice with this.


We are learning to count to 3 and form number shapes to 3. We are practising 1:1 correspondence, and understanding the cardinality of number (that the final number is how many there are).

At home: Practise number formation to 3, and ordering numbers to 3 and touch counting a range of objects accurately.

EYFS - 7 areas of learning: Please see the curriculum overview on the EYFS page to see the key texts and curriculum experiences which will be the focus of our learning this half-term.




We are reading a selection of fiction and non-fiction books daily for enjoyment. This term, we will be linking several books to our learning about feelings and keeping our body healthy.

At home: Please read with your child regularly and note down any comments you would like to share in your child's reading diary.


Our focus text this half-term is 'The Tiger who Came to Tea'. We will be learning to write an accurate sentence with a capital letter and a full stop. We will be focussing on accurate letter formation and letter sizing.

At home: Please support correct letter formation. We celebrate all writing efforts. Please do share any work your child has completed at home - we love to see it!


In Year 1, we will be recapping pattern (making ABBA patterns), and number within 20. We will be revising number bonds to 5 and 10, as well as composition of number to 10.

At home: (Y1) Practise number bonds to 10, and number formation to 10.


We are learning about the nature of God. We will be finding out what God means to us, and how God can be comfort in times of sadness or uncertainty. 


At home: Discuss what beliefs you have at home - why is it important to you and your family?


In Science we are finding out about what animals and humans need to survive.

Our weekly Forest School activities will support our learning about the change of the seasons, and enable us to celebrate the variety of colours and seeds (conkers, acorns etc) to be found in Autumn.

At home: What do you notice about the leaves at this time of year? What seeds can you find under Pine, Oak or types of Chestnut trees? Can you play a game of Conkers?

Wider curriculum

Geography - We will be investigating the geography of where we live. What are physical and natural features within our locality?

PHSE - We will be talking about feelings and how we can learn to express them in a healthy way, as well as learning about friendships and building new relationships.

PE - We will be exploring ball skills, including control, throwing, catching and kicking.

DT - We will be learning about joining fabric in textiles, and how we can make a puppet.

Music - We will be finding out how poetry and music are linked.

Computing - Our enquiry question is 'What is a sequence?'


Please feel welcome to contact me on our class email address if you have any questions or concerns. Alternatively, you can see me in person at the classroom gate in the morning or after school.

We look forward to a wonderful half-term of learning at Dunbury.

Best regards,

Mrs Stoker





