Collective Worship at Dunbury
Collective Worship at Dunbury
Collective Worship is an important part of the school day at Dunbury. It takes place at the end of the day to give both staff and pupils an opportunity to come together and reflect, a chance to be still before transitioning home. All our collective worships are based around our school vision 'Strength in Difference, together we are one, together we fly high' and the biblical underpinning of Galatians 3:28 'For we are all one in Christ Jesus'.
Each half term starts with an introduction that links to our school vision and then follows a theme throughout the term than explores what it means to live our vision on a daily bases. Towards the end of each half term we begin to focus on our Courageous Advocacy. What can we do to live out our vision, what action are we going to take?
We are privileged enough to have two clergy who work within our school catchment Rev Lewis and Rev Jane. They take collective worship each Monday and these are linked to our collective worship theme and events within the wider church calendar.
Towards the end of each week we have time as a class to reflect on what we have learnt in collective worship during the week and how that has impacted us, this is recorded in our class reflection journal along with any spirituality reflections we make.