Private Fostering
Private Fostering
Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if disabled) lives with someone for 28 days or more who is not a:
close relative such as a grandparent, sibling, uncle or aunt or step-parent
person with parental responsibility
The parent/s and the private foster carer would make this arrangement, not the local council.
Children who are privately fostered until their sixteenth birthday are entitled to a service from the local authority.
Please talk to us at school is you are aware of a private fostering arrangement.
Private fostering can if happen if the child or young person:
has parents who live overseas and they come to this country to attend school
has parents who are ill and cannot look after them
has been estranged from their families
is attending language schools and staying with host families
Notify us about a private fostering arrangement
You must inform the local authority if you know about a child that is being or going to be privately fostered. By law, they must know of any arrangement. Dorset's Children's Services can then make sure the arrangement is suitable.
Inform the Children's advice and duty service (ChAD) if you are:
the parent/carer of the child or the private foster carer
involved in the arrangement
a social worker or from another local council
If you know someone is private fostering, please contact our children's advice and duty service (ChAD).