Vision and Values
At Dunbury Academy, our vision is to grow a thriving Christian learning community that recognises and celebrates diversity in all its forms, ensuring that all children feel that they belong, are safe and can flourish. We want our pupils to have the opportunities to be aspirational for themselves, achieving more than they thought was possible, as well as recogising what more can be achieved when we come together as communities to achieve common goals.
Strength in difference, together we are one, together we fly high.
“for we are all one in Christ”, Galatians 3:28
Our vision is taught through six curriculum themes which are the foundations upon which the content of our curriculum in built.
Strength in Self
We aim to teach children about the importance of physical and mental health and the five ways to well-being. We want to develop an understanding of the character strengths needed to be resilient and successful and provide opportunities to reflect upon the ‘inner person’ and how this makes them wonderfully unique and valuable.
Strength in Difference
We want our children to develop a curiosity about the diversity in our world and communities and through this develop a growing empathy, concern and compassion for how to treat others. This includes understanding the inequalities in our communities and how to be inclusive and bring about positive change to combat equality and equity.
Together in Our Communities
Having started to develop a ‘theory of mind’ (an understanding that others have minds like our own and so have different thoughts feelings and views), we want to equip our children with the knowledge and understanding needed to develop self-regulation, make friends and negotiate. We aim to provide opportunities for children to reflect upon how they can have an impact on others and how others can have an impact upon them.
Together in Our World
We want our children to see themselves as custodians of God’s world and environment. We aim to do this through providing opportunities to explore our responses to the wonder of the natural world and human creativity and investigate the human impact on the natural environment, recognising cause and effect.
Be Heard
At Dunbury we want to develop every child’s unique voice through broadening their language, developing good listening skills and an understanding of how to treat others with kindness and respect. We want our children to be able to communicate in a variety of ways to get their message across powerfully and politely.
Be Aspirational
At Dunbury we want our children to grow and flourish as unique and curious individuals with the resilience and determination to continually challenge themselves, to innovate, to aspire and to achieve highly. We aim to teach them that achieving our goals takes time and practice and failed attempts along the way are opportunities to reflect and reset.
Our Values Define our Culture
At Dunbury, we understand that our values are a way of being or believing that we place great importance on. We believe that our culture is based on these values and is able to flourish through our shared language and set of behaviours that align with our values.
Biblical Underpinning
Follow the link below to read about the Biblical Foundation of our Vision
Behaviour at Dunbury
At Dunbury we have a specific Behaviour Curriculum. It draws together three key areas, Ready, Respectful and Safe. Ready means the learning behaviours that we teach the children to enable the best possible learning. Respectful means the values that we lean into to help us be clear on what is ok and not ok, and guides how we support and manage behaviour. Safe means reinforcing the importance of physical safety in school in the way we behaviour towards ourselves and others.
We believe that teaching and demonstrating how we live our values helps children to learn how to behave well. When talking to children about the choices they have made, we use the language ‘ok’ and ‘not ok’ for the relevant value. This way, they can see if they have respected the value they believe in or whether they need to work harder towards being true to that value.
Sometimes, children need extra support to manage their emotions and are given tools and strategies to help them self-regulate.
We have a graduated response to supporting behaviour and we work closely with parents to help the child be successful.