Worry Box
Everyone has the right to be safe at home and to feel safe at home. If you are not feeling safe at home please contact the Childline number: 0800 1111 or click here for online support.
If you are worried about anything, talk to a grownup you trust and feel safe with. They might have helped you with something before. It might be a parent, a carer, a different family member, a teacher, a doctor, a school nurse.
It is tricky to speak to your teacher while the school is shut, but we're still here for you. If there is a worry that you would like to speak to your teachers about you can send an email to these email addresses:
Beech - beech@dunbury.dsat.org.uk
Maple - maple@dunbury.dsat.org.uk
Cherry - cherry@dunbury.dsat.org.uk
Golden Willow - willow@dunbury.dsat.org.uk
Scots Pine - scotspine@dunbury.dsat.org.uk
(It is unlikely they will reply after 5pm or at weekends, so if you need to speak to someone urgently, please call Childline.)
Childline can help you - you can call them (0800 1111) or look at their website.