Friends Of Dunbury Academy (FODA)
Friends of Dunbury Academy
The Friends of Dunbury Academy (FODA) PTA is an organisation made up of parents/carers, teachers, staff and members from our wider community.
Together FODA's aim is to be the fundraising body for the Academy and give our children additional tools to make learning more interesting and exciting. These include sponsoring academy projects and organising events for the children, parents and the local community. FODA fundraise through a number of events throughout the year for example: organise barn dances; Christmas and summer Fairs; indulgence nights; and not forgetting our locally famous annual duck race.
In addition to the great fundraising FODA do, they also encourage and promote the importance of parental participation within the academy. All parents/carers and teachers/staff are automatically enrolled as members of the FODA PTA and the following are our elected committee:
Chairperson - C Harvey
Treasurer - S Gorson
Secretary - TBC
Please do support us and your children even if just by turning up and if you are interested in being a more active member or helper, please contact the office. We are always grateful for as much help from as many people as possible.
It's a great way to make new friends and to get to know your local Academy!