School inspection
OfSTED Inspection
Dunbury Church of England Academy was last inspected on 19th January 2023. We were delighted that the inspectors concluded that Dunbury continues to be a Good school and recognised what a 'wonderful place that nurtures and develops each pupil' our academy is.
OfSTED Report Jan 2023
The report recognised that our two school sites are united by a strong shared vision and values, which are evident in our pupils’ behaviour and attitudes. Our pupils were described as kind and considerate towards each other and with a good understanding of the school's rules of be ready, respectful and safe.
The strong work on curriculum development was highlighted and celebrated describing our curriculum as ambitious and well sequenced. Pupils were able to demonstrate to the inspectors that they are able to remember what they learn and achieve well. We were also proud to have the strong start that children make as early readers recognised alongside a culture of a love for reading that we have created and nurtured.
This was Dunbury Academy's second inspection as an Academy with the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust. It was previously inspected and graded as a good school on 14th and 15th March 2017.
Ofsted Parent View
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SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)
Please find below the most recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report.
The school was inspected on 28th March 2017. We are delighted that we were rated Good in all areas.
In January 20018, we took part in a pilot inspection and were again judged "Good" in the process. It was noted that our school's vision and values "are deeply embedded throughout the school community, making a tangible impact on the way children learn and develop" and that pupils "are inspired by the opportunities opened to them and they empower each other to reach their true potential".
Please take the time to see both our official SIAMS inspection report and our more recent letter from Derek Holloway, below.